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Please keep ALL trashcans off of Township roads... at all times. It is difficult to navigate the trashcans during weather events. Thank you for your understanding.


Please do NOT park any vehicles on Township roads.... it is difficult to navigate the vehicles on Township roads during weather events.

Carreteras: cierres, proyectos y actualizaciones

Ryan Mullin- Roadmaster **Road emergencies or tree down on road/wires call 610-425-2926 or email
Hunter Warnick- Asst. Roadmaster

Reminder.... please do not park on the Township roads. The road crew cannot properly salt and plow the roads during winter storms, when there are vehicles parked on the roadway.

Please respect the road crew when they work on the roads by having patience, go slow and follow the signs. The signs are there for you safety.

Municipio de Londres Gran Bretaña

Oficina y Ayuntamiento

81 Good Hope Road Landenberg PA 19350

Tel .: (610) 255-0388 / F: (610) 255-3542

Abierto al público solo con cita previa

Lunes jueves

9:30 a 12:00

Helping Hand

Si usted o un ser querido está experimentando una crisis emocional o de salud mental, llame al 610-280-3270. El Centro de Crisis de Valley Creek está abierto las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Si se siente solo, deprimido o ansioso y solo quiere hablar, llame a la línea directa del condado de Chester, 1-866-846-2722. Esta línea está atendida por personas capacitadas en recuperación.

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